On 2008, I started a B.A. in Animation and Digital Art, pursued a career in dance, played sports and travelled. Plans continued until January of 2009, when a knee surgery temporally disabled me to continue the active lifestyle I lived. The prescriptions recommended Yoga or Tai-Chi besides the physiotherapy. The sudden change hit me hard, and yet it offered me a chance to explore my body and self in a different way.
Lizy Ballesteros, my first yoga teacher and mentor, guided me from the basics to the advanced. Everything paced and mindfully applied. I got introduced to the subtle body and the benefits of working with my own energy to heal from the inside-out. I learned to listen to my body in an unimaginable way!
I felt such attraction for Yoga that I got immersed not only into my own home practice, but also into the theoretical side of it. I spent my free time reading about philosophy, teachers, chakras, poses and more. Until I finally decided to accept my teacher's invitation to assist to her Teacher Training Immersion. The hesitation on becoming a Yoga Instructor resided in the fact that I didn't feel wise enough or old enough to teach others. But in words of Lizy Ballesteros: "The wisdom does come with age, but it also comes with experience."
So, I came to understand that a teacher becomes a teacher by being a student first. In order to be a good teacher for others, we should be good students first. Constant and committed practitioners, thirsty learners, willing to evolve, ready to accept and open to love.